Tips to Overcome Oily Face

Tips to Overcome Oily Face
Having oily certainly very disturb you, especially for career women. Every day they must to look fit and fresh. Oily will be very difficult to use a  powder on the face area, because the powder will be visible clumping and uneven. So make us look away from the beauty and makes us less confident. Here we provide tips to overcome oily face.

Do you know the benefits of lemon? Yes, this fruit contains high salicylic acid which helps overcome the excess oil on the face, sums up the pores, and even treat acne. The trick is to apply lime to the face after a bath, wait and let stand for approximately 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

In contrast with lemon, tomatoes tend to contain vitamin E is higher. Vitamin E is useful to minimize the discharge of oil through the hair follicles (sebaceous glands). In addition, tomatoes are also proven to remove stubborn acne scars as well. way is by using tomato as a face mask, apply tomato in a blender to face and leave on for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Tips to overcome oily faces further by using cucumber mask. Cucumber can be used to refresh the eye, but many do not know if in fact the cucumber very well in treating oily. He is enriched with natural mineral content that can shrink pores, creating a bright face, eliminate acne, etc. The trick is to make cucumbers as a facial mask, apply a cucumber face mask and let stand for about 30 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Furthermore, using a mask of watermelon, almost similar to a cucumber, watermelon is also enriched with high potassium content. Research shows the content contained in the melon can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and prevent heart attacks. As for beauty, potassium of watermelon helpful to control  facial oil secretion. The trick is to make watermelon mixed with honey as a mask, apply over the entire face and let stand for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Tips overcome oily face further by using apple mask. Who says Apple is not beneficial for beauty? The anti-fat high enough to help cope with greasy faces. Do not forget to combine the apples with natural honey so the results more effectively. The trick is to make a mask of apples and mixed with honey, apply to face and let sit for approximately 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. Here are tips to overcome oily face, may be useful.
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