How to Treat Puffy Eyes Naturally

How to Treat Puffy Eyes Naturally
Dark circles under the eyes or commonly known as a puffy eye is sometimes very disturbing appearance. How to eliminate the puffy eyes in natural or black colored circles that are in the area under the eyes. The emergence of this puffy eyes caused by several factors, the layer of skin under the eyes is one of the most thin layer of skin. Before we talk about how to treat the puffy eyes naturally, first we discuss the causes of it.

The first cause of puffy eyes is we lack sleep. A person needs sufficient rest time each day, if anyone lacks sleep can lead to some issues related to eye health include puffy eyes. Therefore, to reduce the risk of puffy eyes try to pay attention and adjust your sleep patterns.

The second is due to hereditary factors, try to see your parents if they have a puffy eye, very possibility puffy eyes will also arise in yourself. But what's wrong with you to try different ways to cure your puffy eyes.
The third cause of puffy eyes because we suffer from a disease. If you have puffy eyes long enough, maybe you have some serious illness as a trigger, one of which is anemia and kidney and therefore I suggest you to double check your health, whether you suffer a puffy eye is related to several diseases.

The fourth factor is the appearance of the eyes because you cry. There are some who say that the cry it is good for health, but if excessive and for a long time, will cause new problems for the health of the eyes of the puffy eyes, caused by too long cry this liquid will smoothly in the eye, and eventually lead to puffy eyes.

The fifth is due to aging, The aging of a person can make one of the main factors that cause the puffy eyes, At the age a person's body will lose a lot of fat and collagen, so it can cause a basin at the bottom of the eye eventually leading color dark at the bottom of the eye.

After we discuss the factors causing the puffy eyes, now let's talk about how to treat puffy eyes naturally.
For the first is sleep enough, we have explained earlier that the lack of hours of sleep is one of the causes puffy eyes. , you should sleep enough which can be 6-8 hours a day. It helps you make your break schedule, even though jobs are still many yet attention with your sleep patterns. Try not to sleep over at 10 pm, and you used to get up early to continue your work.

The second way is to use ice cubes, effective way to treat the next panda eyes is to use ice cubes, you can use it to compress on the puffy eyes. Compress for 10 minutes. In addition to using ice cubes to use the former teabag, this time former teabag is known to treat acne condones, but it turns out the former tea bag can also treat puffy eyes and reduce crusting in the eye, it because in former teabag there are substances tanning pelifenol, very either to maintain the flexibility and density of the skin and keep the skin from a variety of bacteria that can damage the skin.

Next is to use cucumber, the content in the cucumber that acerbate compounds, vitamin C and Caffeine acid which have utility to treat swelling of the skin one is eliminated dark circles on the bottom of the eye. So how to treat puffy eyes naturally, may be useful. 
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